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Lawn Care and Maintenance Tips

A well-maintained lawn looks great and resists invasion by weeds, insects, and diseases. Organic fertilizers aid long-term health.

Aerating and dethatching relieve soil compaction and thatch buildup, promoting better water absorption. Corn gluten meal is nature’s weed and feed. Contact Lawn Care Cornelius NC now!

Lawns have many environmental benefits, including providing oxygen for the surrounding area and capturing dust and other airborne pollutants. A verdant lawn also improves the overall look of a home and can increase its value. Regular lawn care and maintenance is key to keeping your lawn healthy. Fertilizing is an important part of lawn care that encourages growth and makes your yard more attractive.

Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are vital for healthy grass. The nutrients help the plant produce chlorophyll, which gives the grass its color, and they also help with root development. If the lawn is lacking these nutrients, the grass can become thin, patchy, and prone to diseases and insects. Fertilizers replenish the lost nutrients and make it easier for the grass to grow and thrive.

The type of fertilizer you choose depends on the soil type and climate. Different soils have varying pH levels and nutrient content, which can affect how well the grass absorbs nutrients. Other factors that can deplete nutrients include weather conditions, foot traffic, and pests.

Once you decide on a type of fertilizer, it’s important to apply the product correctly. Over-fertilizing can burn your lawn, while under-fertilizing can lead to a sparse or unhealthy lawn. Follow the instructions on the packaging and consider consulting a lawn care professional to ensure proper application rates. It’s also a good idea to use organic fertilizers, which are derived from natural sources and release the nutrients slowly into the soil.

The best time to fertilize your lawn is during the fall, spring, or summer. For low-maintenance lawns, one pound of nitrogen per 1,000 square feet is sufficient. Use a slow-release nitrogen fertilizer to prevent the grass from absorbing too much of this nutrient. Also, consider a granular fertilizer rather than a liquid. Liquid fertilizers can cause clumping and runoff, which is bad for the environment.

Keeping the lawn lush and green requires routine care, which includes aerating, seeding/overseeding, and fertilization. A & A Lawn Care can help with all of these tasks, including testing the soil for nutrient deficiencies and making recommendations on how to fertilize the lawn.


A lush lawn adds to a home’s curb appeal and increases property value. It also filters pollutants from the air and water, absorbs carbon dioxide, and provides habitat for beneficial insects and wildlife. Proper lawn care practices also prevent soil erosion, preserving the integrity of landscapes and preventing sediment runoff into waterways.

Lawns require a balanced diet to grow thick and strong, fight off disease, and resist stress and pests. A quality lawn care program includes regular core aeration, overseeding, fertilization, mowing and trimming. These services help promote dense turfgrass that crowds out weeds and has improved drought, heat, and pest resistance.

Core aeration involves mechanically punching small openings in the lawn with hollow tines, relieving soil compaction and eliminating thatch (the layer of organic dead and living shoots, stems, and roots between the soil surface and grass) buildup. The process allows for greater delivery of oxygen, water, and nutrients to the grass plants’ root systems while also allowing them to absorb and utilize fertilizer more effectively. It also encourages deeper roots to penetrate more thoroughly into the soil, making them more resistant to heat, drought, and insect damage.

Fungicide applications control and prevent the spread of damaging fungal diseases like brown patch, summer patch, and leaf spot. Many lawn care services offer fungicide treatments as part of their maintenance packages.

Soil testing helps determine the type of soil in your yard, its pH, and other important factors that affect proper lawn care. The information gathered from the test can then be used to develop a customized fertilization and watering schedule for your landscape.

Watering early in the morning is recommended, as it allows the moisture to soak into the soil before the sun causes excessive evaporation. It can also reduce the chance of fungal disease and helps ensure that your grass gets enough water to survive and thrive.

Many lawns benefit from seeding or “over-seeding” each fall to fill in thin or bare spots, create a denser lawn that discourages weeds and pests, or introduce a newer grass variety with better disease and insect resistance. Overseeding can be done immediately after aeration to help establish a strong, healthy lawn that is more resilient to stress and insect damage.


Mowing lawns to the appropriate height for their species contributes to healthy turfgrass density, which in turn reduces stress on grasses and weeds. Regular mowing also allows for proper water absorption by the root system. Often, lawns need to be mowed more frequently during summer when they are under heat and drought stress.

As a general rule of thumb, mowing should be done regularly enough that grass clippings do not block sunlight from the soil surface or leave unsightly clumps on the lawn. Depending on the weather and the season, this may mean mowing as often as once a week in the spring and up to once every 5 days in the summer.

In addition to mowing, it is important to keep the lawn free of debris such as sticks, leaves and other yard waste. This helps the grass to get the oxygen it needs to photosynthesize and also prevents mold and mildew growth, which can kill the grass.

Lastly, it is important to remove weeds when they first appear. Weed control should be done using an organic approach, avoiding synthetic herbicides. During the growing season, it is also important to periodically rake or blow away dead leaves and other debris from the lawn so that the grass can be easily seen.

A well-maintained lawn also discourages harmful insects and fungi. Fungicide treatments can be helpful in controlling leaf spot, rust and other diseases that can ruin turfgrass.

Many companies offer a comprehensive lawn care program that includes regular mowing, edging and fertilization services along with aeration, overseeding and insect management. Unlike landscaping, lawn care does not include installing plants, flowers or trees. Landscaping transforms outdoor living spaces through design, construction and planting of man-made and natural elements that create peaceful, inviting, comfortable and aesthetically pleasing landscapes. These can include decks, patios, walkways, fire pits, rock gardens, waterfalls and swimming pools. These features can be accented by shrubs and perennial gardens. Some companies even provide outdoor lighting, furniture and pool maintenance to complete the look. This type of lawn care can enhance property values and improve quality of life for homeowners.


Lawn care varies by grass type, but it generally encompasses services like mowing, watering, fertilizing and pest control. It also includes practices that encourage healthy soil and overall turf condition, such as aeration, seeding and mulching. A lawn that is well-cared for is lush, green and weed free, with deep root systems capable of surviving heat, drought, and other stressors.

Proper irrigation is critical for the health of your lawn. Having an efficient sprinkler system ensures that every inch of your lawn receives the right amount of water, eliminating problems like brown spots and overwatering-induced diseases. We recommend watering early in the morning, allowing the moisture to soak into the ground before the sun causes excessive evaporation.

Regular mowing is crucial for a healthy lawn, especially during the spring and summer when growth is at its fastest. We recommend mowing to a height that does not remove more than one-third of the grass blade at any given time (the 1/3 rule). This will allow your lawn to re-grow faster, avoiding unnecessary stress on your plants.

Another aspect of mowing is removing leaves and debris from your yard, and it’s best to do this on a regular basis as weather permits. Too many leaves can suffocate your grass, invite pests and diseases, and make it difficult for the plant to photosynthesize. Leaving the leaves to decompose in your yard can also be harmful, so it’s important to rake them up and dispose of them properly.

A lawn that is treated with care is a source of pride for home and business owners. Proper maintenance of the grass, trees and shrubs will add to the overall value of your property, enhancing your curb appeal and increasing your property’s resale value. Trust a professional lawn care service that offers these services to keep your landscaping looking its best.