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How to Tell If Your Septic Tank Needs Cleaning

A septic tank holds sewage waste from your home. It’s a big responsibility; regular cleaning is key to keeping it in good shape.

Pumping your septic tank prevents solid waste from building up to the point where it enters your drain field and causes problems. It also keeps your home safe from a host of unpleasant issues. Contact Septic Tank Cleaning Perth now!

All the waste and water that you flush down your toilets, drains, and sinks eventually ends up in your septic system. What goes into your septic system affects how well it works. While many things, including sewage, can flow down your drains and into the tank, other items can block the tank or cause clogs in the pipe. This can cause a backup of wastewater into your home and create a health risk.

Sewage backups are the most serious and dangerous sign of a septic system problem. The smelly, toxic waste can enter your home through toilets, drains and even the yard. This waste can carry bacteria that can cause infections and other diseases. It can also contaminate nearby drinking water wells and other natural resources.

While septic systems work great for most homes and businesses, they can become clogged or overflow when you flush unsafe materials down your drains. Common causes of septic tank clogs include wet wipes, diapers, condoms, paint, paper towels, cat litter and other non-flushable solids. Harsh chemicals can also kill anaerobic bacteria in your septic system and lead to a clogged drain field.

A clogged septic tank or failure in the leach field pipes can also cause sewage to back up into your home. This waste can damage your home, including its plumbing and electrical systems. It can also introduce harmful pathogens to your family and guests.

Keeping up with routine septic tank cleaning is the best way to avoid problems like these. A septic tank cleaning service should be done at least every three to five years. You should also call a septic tank cleaning service right away if you notice any of the warning signs listed above, such as slow draining sinks, gurgling noises or foul odors in your home or yard.

Foul odors

Foul odors are one of the most obvious signs that it’s time to have your septic tank cleaned. These odors can seep into your yard and sometimes even into your home. The smell is caused by hydrogen sulfide gas that develops inside the septic tank as microbes break down waste solids. This process produces an acidic byproduct that emits the rotten egg smell you might recognize.

The septic system’s vent stack is responsible for sending the odor-causing gases out of the home and into the atmosphere. However, if the vent stack becomes clogged with debris or leaves it won’t be able to function properly. This causes the odor-causing gases to stay inside the house.

If you notice septic odors inside your home, check the riser covers on top of the septic tank. The risers should be tightly sealed to prevent odors from escaping. They should also be inspected for holes or cracks that need to be repaired.

Another cause of septic odors is a clogged drain or pipe. This is especially common in bathrooms. Avoid flushing paper towels, sanitary products, food scraps, coffee grounds, or any other non-organic materials down toilets and drains. Instead, put a cup of baking soda down the toilet or in a sink drain once a week to help maintain the proper pH level inside your septic tank and keep the microbial party from going off-course.

The final cause of septic tank odors is that the tank has become full of sludge. This is a common problem that can be avoided by ensuring that the septic system is pumped regularly and avoiding overflows.

If you’re noticing foul odors around your septic system, it’s important to schedule a septic tank cleaning immediately. An experienced plumber can ensure that your septic system is operating correctly and can pinpoint any issues that need to be fixed. In addition, a septic tank cleaning can help prevent sewage backup and costly damage to your property. With the start of summer approaching, you don’t want a smelly septic system to ruin your outdoor fun!


Overflowing septic tanks can lead to wastewater backup into your home, creating a health hazard and potential damage to your property. If you notice foul odors or water pooling in your yard, it’s time to have your septic tank cleaned.

The drainage pipes that carry wastewater from your home and buildings to the septic tank are designed to slowly release the waste, giving bacteria inside the tank a chance to break down the solids. As the solids break down, they create three layers in the tank: sludge, scum, and effluent. The sludge layer is comprised of inorganic solids, the scum layer is made of organic solids, and the effluent layer contains liquid waste that will pass into the drain field.

If your septic tank is overflowing, it’s likely that the bacteria in the tank have been depleted due to not having it pumped regularly. This can cause the sludge to overflow into the drain field, where it will flow into your plumbing and clog pipes and drain lines.

Using chemicals in your septic system can also throw off the natural ecosystem that’s developed in the tank, leading to overflows and clogs. Products that contain enzymes or other additives are supposed to hasten the breakdown of solids, but they may just end up making the problem worse by interfering with the natural process.

Another cause of overflowing is a broken or damaged septic tank, which can no longer hold the waste that’s been sent to it. Similarly, the septic tank baffles and drain field can also become clogged with debris or damaged and stop functioning properly, causing wastewater to back up into your house.

Finally, the local water table can rise during heavy rains and cause your septic tank to overflow. This can be avoided by limiting your water usage and by having your tank inspected and cleaned before the winter season.

If you’ve noticed a foul smell in your home, water pooling in the yard, or toilets that take a long time to flush, it’s time to have your sewage tank inspected and cleaned. With proper maintenance, you can keep your septic tank from overflowing and avoid the expensive and hazardous consequences that come with it.

Reduced home value

Septic tanks are a great option for homes and businesses that are not connected to sewer systems, as they are environmentally friendly and cost-effective. However, they must be pumped regularly in order to continue functioning properly and avoid any major issues. If a septic tank is not cleaned in a timely manner, it can start to overflow and cause serious damage to the surrounding property and nearby water sources. It can also result in sewage-type odors and expose members of the household to potential health risks.

One of the most important signs that it’s time to have your septic tank cleaned is if you notice that your toilets aren’t flushing as quickly as they usually do. This could indicate that there is a clog in the plumbing or that the septic tank has reached capacity.

A septic tank should be cleaned every three to five years. However, it’s always a good idea to have a professional inspect it more frequently if you are concerned about its condition. The expert will check for any cracks or leaks and determine whether or not it’s time to pump the tank.

Besides septic tank cleaning, regular maintenance of the entire septic system is essential. It will help prevent the soil absorption field from becoming clogged, which will ensure that wastewater is properly sent to the tank. It will also prevent any sludge from building up in the tank and flowing into the drain field, which can cause a lot of problems.

It’s a good idea to get your septic tank inspected and cleaned before you put it up for sale. This will help ensure that the septic system is functioning as it should and will provide peace of mind to potential buyers. If you are not planning to sell your home, it’s still a good idea to schedule septic tank cleaning services on a regular basis.

Whether you own a commercial or residential property, septic tank cleaning is an important part of your maintenance routine. Regularly cleaning your septic tank can help you avoid costly repairs, maintain the value of your property, and keep you and your family healthy.